Thursday, August 28, 2008

Suprise talks

I'm on my rural prac at the moment which has been going well. I'm working in community physiotherapy which involves participating in and also running a wide range of exercise classes. The classes cover all different areas such as avoiding falls, exercise for people with chronic lung disease and also more high intensity exercise for older people. I've also been helping with classes for pre-primary children who have developmental delay.

Recently i was confronted with a potentially stressful situation. On my first day i was helping with a class and the supervisor who i had just met suggested that i do a talk in 2 days time. The talk was to be presented to 10-15 patients and on the topic of back care. Although i knew i had experience with presenting information on back care i was still a bit worried at the limited amount of time i had to prepare the talk. I was a also a bit surprised that the supervisor strongly suggested i do the talk without really consulting me about it.

I agreed to do the talk and acted enthusiastically about it but i was a bit worried. I prepared for the talk over the next few days and as it turned out the talk went really well. The patients were very friendly and i got them involved in the presentation which made it more interesting for them. I received good feedback for the talk and my supervisor was impressed not only with my presentation but also with my attitude.

After thinking about the situation later i was pleased with the way i handled it because even though i was taken aback by being asked to do a talk so early on i didnt show that i was stressed about it. I think its good to try and maintain a positive attitude even if you are stressed because a lot of the time things that seem stressfull end up being fine.
Has anyone had a similar experience or does anyone have any thoughts on other ways to handle stressfull situations?

1 comment:

alicia said...


I had a similar experience to you on the first day of my cardio placement. I was expecting this half day to be filled with orientation and maybe observing my supervisor with a pt. However after a quick orientation my supervisor and I went to see a patient and I was asked if i would like to do the Ax and Rx. This surprised me but I went ahead and did a Subjective, Objective and Treatment whilst my supervisor watched. At the end she said I did well and gave me some feedback on things I can improve on. Looking back I think I learnt more from being taken out of my comfort zone then if I was to simply sit back and watch.