Sunday, November 2, 2008

Inappropriate sexual behaviour.

I’m sure most of you are aware, and may have completed the recent questionnaire regarding inappropriate sexual behaviour between physiotherapists/ health professionals and patients. I was completing the survey at lunch time on placement and some of the questions sparked discussions amongst my fellow students – what exactly is inappropriate.

I had marked down on the survey that I had experienced displays of “inappropriate” sexual behaviour from a number of patients – mostly comments that were made about the patient or myself. However, the last few questions asked about how I dealt with the situation and did I talk to anyone about it etc. I thought back to the few times that it has happened – in most cases the patients had some sort of mental disorder or acquired brain injury, in whom you may expect this sort of behaviour. Owing to this fact, when it happened I simply told the patient that it’s not right to say things like that, and then brushed the issue aside as my thoughts were “they can’t help it”. But where do you draw the line? What if it’s not just a harmless comment that is made, but rather inappropriate contact that truly makes you feel uncomfortable? Should patients who “can’t help it” be punished in some form for this type of behaviour? Other than trying to have another colleague present when treating patients who may display inappropriate sexual behaviour, how as a health professional in this setting can you protect yourself from this type of behaviour? Should these incidences be documented in the patients notes to warn other health professionals of the behaviour?

Any thoughts?


Yang said...

In my cardio placement, one of my patients are the type that winks a lot to females and with a sly humor. I just took it for how he is and didn't find it too inappropriate. However, my supervisor asked if I felt uncomfortable and said people have different standard of what is professional. Whereas I was not uncomfortable around this patient, someone else may be offended. I guess there are degrees of inappropriate sexual behaviour, there are also different standards of what is acceptable and what is not. And back to the survey, it may be better if they classify the actions

Florence said...

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