Monday, November 3, 2008


Im on my community placement at the moment which is going pretty well. I've already had a lot of feedback so far because of the large amount of supervisors that i have.
The feedback has all been positive or constructive criticism which has been good.

However, i had an interesting situation last week where a supervisor said that she was really pleased with how i had conducted the class and she said she could "learn a lot from the way i communicate with older patients". I was glad to receive good feedback but i didnt take too much notice of it until later on that night.

I then started thinking thats its not often that a supervisor ever admits that they could learn from a student. I also thought that it was really refreshing to hear an experienced physiotherapist confess to a lowly student that they could in fact learn from them. I believe every student in our year has something to offer and something to teach even experienced physiotherapists. I just wish that everyone would hear this kind of feedback a little more than once a year.

I think its important to recognise that although we are always learning we may also be able to be teaching other people things while were learning from them.
Has anyone had a similar situation? Do people agree with what ive said?


Yang said...

I agree with you. In many aspects of physiotherapy, good treatment require adaptivity and creativity. It is a career of continuous learning. During my placement in Neuro, on the first day, my supervisor said that there are so much to learn, even though he is working in the field for over 10 odd years, he is still learning all the time. While I was there, I "invented" a hand dexterity exercise for a patient with chronic pain. He took notice of that and mentioned a few times to other staff and also during my feedback.
I agree with you that it is a sharing experience. while learning from others, we can also teach at the same time.

Rookie said...

Good work Kev! It's always nice to get some feedback that makes you feel like a real Physiotherapist, rather than a physio student. I've had a few supervisors say that they are often "challenged to learn" when they have students. ie. when students ask interesting questions that the supervisors don't know the answer to. I guess we really will be learning for life!

patton said...

Hey Kev, give yourself more credit mate, we aren’t all lowly students! Fair enough we may not have the clinical experience that most senior physios out there have, but also remember that it is a long time since a lot of them have studied, and our level of knowledge in some aspects may certainly be better than theirs. I think as a new grad it is important to gain as much knowledge from our superiors clinical experiences as possible, and in return, try to offer them some of our knowledge and a ‘fresh’ approach to some things that they may not be aware of. There is always more to be learned if you are willing, and if you think you know everything, regardless of how long you’ve been practicing for then you are only kidding yourself. Of course I’d like to think that there is a level of knowledge and experience that once you get to you can be content with.