Sunday, November 16, 2008

Professional Communication

During my recent rural placement my supervisor asked me on several occassions to ring my patient's GP and talk to them about various issues. This included updating them on my pt's progress, alerting them to any new symptoms the patient presented with or getting a more thorough medical Hx when things didn't seem right.

Initially I felt a bit nervous contacting the GPs as on my previous musculo outpatients prac we had only communicated with them via writing. However my supervisor stated to me that its really important to keep the communication lines open as this results in better care for the pt and also presents a good image to the GPs in terms of our proffession.

I was worried that the GPs would think I was wasting their time talking to them; however they generally were very happy to discuss their patients and by the end of my prac I felt I'd built a good rapport with the them.

This highlighted to me the importance of professional communication in terms of promoting our service as physiotherapists and, although at the time I was hesitant, in retrospect I am glad I had the opportunity to practice this whilst on prac.


Ange said...

Hi Alicia!

Great you got to experience this on prac!

Is definately worth communicating with GP's and medical staff to achieve the best outcomes for the patient - and they are not scary at all!

All the best,


Florence said...

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